Overleg:GLAM-WIKI 2015/Programme/Presentations/Showcase

Very short presentation proposal: Documenting folk customs with the National Ethnographic Museum


I have just noticed the 'tbc' slots here and read the invitation to make suggestions for additional presentations (I know the presentation submissions have been closed for some time...) If there are still any empty 10-minute slots, I would be happy to talk about the Year of Folk Customs with Wikipedia project run by Wikimedia Poland with the National Museum of Ethnography. I have described it briefly here.

Images uploaded to Commons so far can be found here.

The project is in progress. 'Core' participants include 5 Wikipedians, 7 museum staff and 7 students. Teams of 5 (e.g. 2 museum staff, 1 wikipedian, 2 students) travel to rural locations to carry out ethnographic field documentation focused round old Polish seasonal traditions (spring folk customs, Easter, summer celebrations etc). 7 field trips and 2 training workshops will result in:

  • Uploading the 1k+ photographs, video, interviews with residents and other ethnographic documentation to Commons
  • Expanding or creating from scratch a minimum of 21 Wikipedia articles related to documented customs, locations (and some general topics such as ethnography or field documentation)- to be illustrated with the recorded material.

The resulting set of articles and media will be available in Wikipedia and Commons, on by-sa licenses; the Museum is planning a paper publication based on the articles and photographs - an educational book about near-extinct folk culture. I think this project is interesting in terms of teamwork mode (field trips combined with gradual editing and uploading) as well as rather low costs in relation to planned (and, so far, realistic-looking) results.

If you find this interesting, I'd be happy to give a 10-minute presentation about this project (structured bit better than this post) :-)

Thanks! --Marta Malina Moraczewska (overleg) 7 apr 2015 19:58 (CEST)Reageren

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