Ralf Lämmel is Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Koblenz-Landau since July 2007. Since 2011 he is the executive director of the Institute for CS at the department. In the past, he held positions at Microsoft Corp., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, and the University of Rostock, Germany. Ralf Lämmel's speciality is “software language engineering”, but he is generally interested in themes that combine software engineering and programming languages. His research and teaching interests include program transformation, software reengineering, grammar-based methods as well as model-driven and model-based methods. Ralf Lämmel is a committed member of the research community; he is one of the founding fathers of the international summer school series on Generative and Transformational Techniques on Software Engineering (GTTSE) as well as the international conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE).