
This is a translation of the original Dutch text of the Statutes and By-laws. Every effort has been made to render this translation as faithful as possible to the original text. However, in the case of any dispute about the interpretation of these documents, the original Dutch text shall prevail.


Throughout this and related documents the following terminology is applied.

Foundation This is meant to be a non-profit, non-membership organisation. Equivalents: nl: Stichting, de: Stiftung, fr: Fondation.
Association (noun) This is meant to be a non profit membership organisation. Equivalents: nl: Vereniging, de: Verein, fr: Association.
For a more extensive explanation of the differences between the Dutch "stichting" (roughly: Foundation) and "vereniging" (roughly: "Association"), see Similarities/differences Foundation/Association (scroll down to see the English translation).
Statutes Officially attested and legally binding document setting out the rules of an organisation. According to Dutch legislation, Statutes must be registered with the Chamber of Commerce ("Kamer van Koophandel"). Prior to this, the Articles need to be attested by a notary public. Statutes are public by rule of law, and may on payment of a fee be consulted by anybody at the Kamer van Koophandel.
By-laws Supplementary rules, which should be read in conjunction with the Statutes. These regulations do not require any (public) registration or attestation by a notary. As a rule, they are used to address a number of practical issues and/or issues that may vary in the course of time.